Francesca Rosati is an Artist from the expressive value and from the realistic classical impression.
In her path had the opportunity to study and learn the basic techniques in order to subsequently develop her personal touch.
We are faced with an artist who over time has not only learned the art history but also absorbed the stylistic elegance of the works, which reveals every her "creature". Francesca Rosati,
combines the simplicity of a landscape to the message hidden that wants to convey to the viewer, through color.
The palette by the artist, is mainly
composed of various shades of blue, and dark green, a few times using the color red, and in small cases and facets (eg shades of the clouds) using the white.
Wonderful perspective that realizes in her views, in which prevails without a doubt, a way of portraying the landscape completely original, though based on the classical roots and realist style,
and sometimes late impressionist.
A painting that summarizes the history of art and offers a completely new vision of the past even if unconsciously.
Original, the painting of Francesca
Rosati is stylistically perfect, original and wonderfully harmonious.
Dott. Alessandro Costanza
Art Critic and Writer
2014 Galleria d'arte Ros'artists- All rights reserved
Via Roma 42, 00010 - Montelibretti (RM)- cell. 366.2759661